Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Drama Finds Me

If you're reading this blog, then you probably know me, so you know this is true. In fact, you've probably said something along those lines about me. Maybe something like: "Drama just seems to find that girl!" Or maybe: "Her life is always so dramatic!"

Or possibly: "She's such a drama queen."

And that's cool, because it's true. But like any lifelong personal characteristic--a tendency to stutter when nervous, an awkwardly placed mole--that people no longer notice about themselves unless someone points it out, I usually miss the fact that the things that happen to me/with me/near me are often extraordinarily emotional to the point of being overwrought.

To me, it's just, y'know, Tuesday.

So, I'm going to start writing down what happens, and you can decide for yourselves.

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